Friday, January 8, 2010

Sorry it has taken me a while to post! This week has really worn me out! I have been down to MUSC three times this week. It is really starting to take a toll on my bedridden body now!

We had another appointment on Thursday and had another ultrasound done. This is becoming the norm for us now! :) Everything was pretty much the same except for the fluid levels. The bigger baby now has 9.6 which is above normal, and the little baby had 2.6 which is really low. It is actually the lowest his has ever been. This was really disappointing because the levels have been pretty stable until now. It's like we are back right where we started. I am trying to stay positive though. The doctors still have no clue as what our actual diagnosis is because things jump around to something different every week. We still may have TTTS and SIUGR, most likely a little of both. At our next appointment the doctors want us to go have another echo done on both of the boys hearts just to make sure they are functioning right. Just still have to take things appointment by appointment.

I want to thank everyone for their prayers. We really need them. It is becoming really easy to get discouraged everytime we go and something else is wrong. I am trying to stay positive and know that God is in total control! I am trying not to grow weary and stay strong for these little boys! They are so cute! We get to see them every couple of days, and I can't wait to actually meet them! Thanks everyone so much! We really appreciate everyone's support and prayers! We are so blessed!

1 comment:

  1. I am right down the road from MUSC. If you ever have to wait while you are there let me know....Ill come and get you and you can come rest at my house!!!

    I am praying for you!
